Saturday 17 August 2019

2nd Year English Chapter 9 Notes - 12th class English

2nd Year English Chapter 9 Notes - 12th class English
Looking for the 2nd Year English Chapter 9 Notes - 12th class English? Here we have published the notes of chapter Hunger and population explosion. It also includes questions from KIPS English


 Write short answers (3-5 Lines/ Sentences) to the following questions:
 What does hunger mean on a large scale as viewed by the author?
 How does Anna Mckenzie define hunger?
 Hunger on a large scale means a situation in which you never have enough to cat. In such a situation you are always wondering where the next meal is coming from or there will be a next meal at all. On a large scale, it also means famine.
 What does famine mean? Describe some of the great famines of the past.
 Famine means hunger at a large scale. One of the first records of famine was carved in granite by an Egyptian Pharaoh. Nine and a half million people perished in a single famine in North China. The Russian famine in 1921-22 killed several million people.
 Ten million died in the great famine of Bengal 1969-70. One million starved to death in Bombay in 1942. India still faced the worst famine of the century in 1964-65.
 How do famines occur?
 Why do famines occur?
 What are the causes of famine?
 Famines occur due to the following reasons: Over population failure of crops due to disease failure of crops due to lack of rain
 What is the main reason for population Increase today?
 The main reason for population increase is the difference between the birth-rate and the death-rate. The death-rate has been reduced by the use of scientific advancement, but the birth-rate is still very high in most parts of the world.
 What is meant by birth-rate and death-rate, and how do they affect the population of a country?
 Birth-rate means number of births per 1,000 population a year, and death-rate means number of deaths per 1,000 population a year. The difference between the birth-rate and the death-rate indicates the population growth or decrease. If the birth rate is higher than death rate, it mean the population is increasing rapidly
 What have public health measures to do with the increase in population?
 The great advancement in public health measures has decreased the mortality rate.
 Conversely, it means the birth rate has increased quite automatically In the past only a few babies grew up. Now 19 out of 20 babies become adults. Thus, the advancement is contributing in the increase of population.
Account for the high birth-rate in the under-developed countries.
The high birth-rate in the under-developed countries is mainly due to the lack of awareness among the people. Moreover, the governments and authorities still have been unable to cultivate a desire in individuals to limit the size of their family.
Why is the birth-rate not so high in more advanced countries?
The birth-rate is not so high in more advanced countries because there the decrease in death rate is followed by a decrease in birth rate There parents mostly give birth to just two children ta replace themselves. In such countries people are educated and they limit the size of the family.
 Give A brief account of the poor economic conditions prevailing in the under developed countries. 
 What does an under-developed country lack or is characterized by?
 Which countries can be called underdeveloped ? 
An under-developed country is characterized by poverty. It lacks factories of its own. It usually has poor roads and railways. Hospitals, schools and colleges are very few. Most people are illiterate. The goods it exports are nearly always raw material.


 Write short answers (3-5 Line/Sentence) to the following questions:
 How long has famine been a problem?
 Famine has been a problem since the beginning of time. The carly hunter suffered serious shortages during the winter months that often starved him and his family to death.
 What does hunger mean?
 How does Anna Mckenzie define hunger?
 Hunger does not mean missing one meal or even meals for whole day. It means never having enough to eat. It means a situation in which you are always wondering if there will be a next meal
 How do we come to know about the first record of famine and what does the record tell?
 An Egyptian Pharaoh carved in granite: "During my reign the Nile has not been in flood for seven years. Corn is scarce and food is lacking. Those who ran cannot even walk. It is the end of everything!
 What do we read about famine in the Bible?
 There were seven years of famine in Egypt during the time of Joseph. Widespread disaster was only averted by the previous compulsory storage of food. Egypt was saved from famine by a national effort.
 What do we learn about famines from our folk-lore?
 We can get some idea of many local famines from our folk-lore. For example, the stories of Robin Hood often involve local food shortages. We sce Robin robbing the rich to feed the poor in these stories
 Who was Robin Hood?
 Robin Hood is a hero folk-stones. He was a kindhearted robber who robbed the rich to feed the poor. He poached from the Royal forests to help the poor when there was food shortage
 Briefly describe the Indian famine of 1964-65 
In India in 1964 65 there was the worst famine of the century due to the failure of monsoon. Many countries gave aid on a large scale at that time and tried to help the affected people. However, imported food could not reach the hardest hit srea because of transportation problems.
 Why is the world of today faced with greater threats of famine?
 The world of today is faced with greater threats of famine because the available resources are not sufficient to be provided to the ever increasing population.
 How is the number of people in the world increasing?
 The number of people in the world is rapidly increasing like a gigantic snowball which not only gets bigger as it rolls but goes faster as well
 What was the population of the world half a million years ago, and how much has it increased over the years?
 Until by the birth of Christ, the world population was about 200-300 million. The numbers doubled by 1650 and by 1850 and then doubled again to 1,000 million. Now the world population is over 3,000 million
 What would happen in two or three centuries if the e In population at present rate is not checked?
 It has been calculated that unless the growth of population is checked in some way within two or three centuries there will only be room on the earth for people to stand up.
 How has death-rate been reduced rapidly in Asia and the Far East?
 In Asia and the Far East the death-rate has been reduced rapidly by modern medicine and epidemic control. Now life is not uncertain as it used to be in the past.
 What is yaws and how can it be cured?
 Yaws is a horrible disease. It starts as little hard pimples which later spread all over the body, forming ulcer. The sufferer becomes depressed and feels very ill. Yaws can be cured in most cases by a single injection of penicillin
 What is the most important and most difficult thing to achieve in order to check population growth?
 The most important and most difficult thing to achieve is a desire among individuals to limit the size of their families. Despite a lot of efforts, most of the people are not convinced yet to contribute in checking population growth.
How is that the study of the population growth indicates one of the greatest paradoxes of our time?
 The study of the population growth indicates one of the greatest paradoxes of our time. Interestingly, the countries best able to support a large population have a low birth-rate while the countries least able to support their present population have a very high birth-rate.What will happen If one group of countries continues to get poorer while the o Ans.
 What will happen if one group of countries continues to get poorer while the other continues to get richer?
 If one group of people gets poorer and its families and friends suffer hardships while the poor and the rich. other group of people get when we creating situation of war between the
 What does the writer suggest as the only long-term solution for the poor countries?
 The writer suggests that the only long-term solution for the poor countries is to reduce their birth-rate. The writer says it is a difficult job but we must make every effort to encourage the limitation of families.

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