Thursday 14 February 2019

Chapter 5 Biochemistry Important MCQs with Answers | 10th Class Chemistry

Chapter 5 Biochemistry Important MCQs with Answers | 10th Class Chemistry
 Here we have provided all the important Multiple choice questions and answers of Chapter Biochemistry of 10th class chemistry.

MCQ 1: Antibiotics are
A. carbohydrate in nature
B. protein in nature
C. fats
D. vitamins in nature
MCQ 2: Catalytic hydrogenation of vegetable oils convert them in to
A. vegetable ghee
B. vitamins
C. proteins
D. carbohydrates
MCQ 3: The layer of fat under mammalian skin acts as an
A. electric insulator
B. thermal insulator
C. protection from germs
D. protection from viruses
MCQ 4: The amino acids which are no synthesized by human body are called
A. essential amino acids
B. non essential amino acids
C. simple amino acids
D. complex amino acids
MCQ 5: The linkage which joins two amino acid units is called
A. peptide bond
B. covalent bond
C. ionic bond
D. hydrogen bond
MCQ 6: Vitamin D activates enzymes
A. less than 100
B. more than 100
C. 50
D. 25
MCQ 7: Monosaccharides can contain
A. 4 to 5 carbon atoms
B. 1 to 5 carbon atoms
C. 7 to 9 carbon atoms
D. 3 to 6 carbon atoms
MCQ 8: The strands of DNA are held together by
A. covalent bond
B. ionic bond
C. hydrogen bond
D. dipole dipole interaction
MCQ 9: Cholesterol comes from
A. animal products
B. vegetable products
C. fruit products
D. insect products
MCQ 10: The vitamin which is fat soluble is
A. vitamin B
B. vitamin C
C. vitamin D
D. vitamin F
MCQ 11: The building blocks of all proteins are
A. hydroxyl group
B. carbonyl group
C. amino acids
D. simple sugars
MCQ 12: Proteins work in body to
A. transport and store oxygen and nutrients
B. speed up reactions
C. regulate important systems
D. all of above
MCQ 13: Gelatin is used in production of
A. industrial items
B. ropes
C. curry
D. bakery items
MCQ 14: Human body can synthesize only
A. 12 amino acids
B. 10 amino acids
C. 15 amino acids
D. 5 amino acids
MCQ 15: Lipids include
A. sucrose
B. maltose
C. fats and oils
D. thymine
MCQ 16: Enzymes are protein in nature and are used as
A. biological catalyst
B. chemical catalyst
C. reaction inhibitor
D. reaction stopper
MCQ 17: The source of Butyric acid is
A. butter
B. palm oil
C. beef fat
D. olive oil
MCQ 18: Lipid which is solid at room temperature is called
A. oil
B. protein
C. sugar
D. fat
MCQ 19: Maltose is obtained from
A. sugarcane
B. fruits
C. cereals
D. plants
MCQ 20: RNA (Ribonucelic Acid) is made up of
A. ribose sugar
B. phosphate unit
C. nitrogen base
D. all of above
MCQ 21: The general formula for monosaccharides is
B. (CH2O)n
C. CHn
D. CnHn
MCQ 22: 1g of glucose (C6H12O6) provides energy
A. 10J
B. 160KJ
C. 15.6KJ
D. 80KJ
MCQ 23: The vitamin which helps in antioxidation is
A. vitamin E
B. vitamin K
C. vitamin A
D. vitamin D
MCQ 24: Monosaccharides (simple sugars) have
A. oxidizing nature
B. reducing nature
C. redox nature
D. neutralizing nature
MCQ 25: The vitamin which helps in chemical transmission of images from eye to brain is
A. vitamin A
B. vitamin B
C. vitamin C
D. vitamin D
MCQ 26: Our bodies cannot produce
A. minerals
B. proteins
C. vitamins
D. carbohydrates
MCQ 27: Glucose (C6H12O6) and fructose (C6H12O6) are
A. simple sugars
B. simple salts
C. simple acids
D. complex sugars
MCQ 28: By the help of fermentation, starch is converted to
A. rectified spirit
B. dextrin
C. cellulose
D. sucrose
MCQ 29: A DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) can store and transmit the
A. genetic information
B. cell information
C. blood
D. nerves
MCQ 30: Upon hydrolysis oligosaccharides form
A. 1 to 8 molecules of simple sugars
B. 10 to 12 molecules of simple sugars
C. 5 to 8 molecules of simple sugars
D. 2 to 9 molecules of simple sugars
MCQ 31: Starch and cellulose are
A. crystalline solids
B. amorphous solids
C. liquids
D. gasses
MCQ 32: Important sources of proteins are
A. meat
B. eggs
C. cheese
D. all of above
MCQ 33: The nuclei of cells consists of
A. proteins
B. carbohydrates
C. nucleic acids
D. vitamins
MCQ 34: The key to ability of DNA to pass and store genetic information is
A. its hydrogen bonding
B. its double stranded structure
C. its deoxyribose sugar
D. its nitrogen base
MCQ 35: Nucleotides consists of
A. Nitrogenous base
B. pentose sugar
C. phosphate group
D. all of above
MCQ 36: RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) exists in form of
A. solid
B. gas
C. double strand
D. single strand
MCQ 37: A component of plant or animal tissue insoluble in water is called
A. protein
B. carbohydrate
C. vitamin
D. lipids
MCQ 38: Plants convert glucose (C6H12O6) in to
A. starch
B. cellulose
C. both A and B
D. sucrose
MCQ 39: Long chain carboxylic acids are named as
A. lipids
B. fatty acids
C. phospholipids
D. cholesterol
MCQ 40: Sugars which rotate the plane of polarized light in clockwise direction are called
A. lactose sugars
B. complex sugars
C. dextrose sugars
D. simple sugars
1. B
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. A
6. B
7. D
8. C
9. A
10. C
11. C
12. D
13. D
14. B
15. C
16. A
17. A
18. D
19. C
20. D
21. B
22. C
23. A
24. B
25. A
26. C
27. A
28. A
29. A
30. D
31. B
32. D
33. C
34. B
35. D
36. D
37. D
38. C
39. B
40. C 

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