Saturday 18 February 2017

The Slave and A Lion Moral Story for Inter 11th/1st year English

The Slave and A Lion Moral Story for Inter 11th/1st year English


A master had many slaves. One day, a slave ran away into a jungle. He hid in a cave There he saw a lion. The lion had big thorn in his paw. He could not walk. The slave went near him and drew the thorn out. The lion was happy. One day, the slave was caught. He was brought before the master. The master threw him before a hungry lion. The lion ran towards him. But instead  of killing him, he began to lick his feet. It was the same lion whom the slave had helped in the jungle. The master was happy at the kindness of the slave. He freed both the lion and the slave.


1. Do good and have good.
2. Virtue never goes waste.
3. One good turn deserves another.
4. Virtuous deeds pay/are rewarded.

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