Monday 8 July 2019

10th Class Chemistry Notes Chapter 8 Chemical Industry

10th Chemistry Notes Chapter 8 Chemical Industry
The notes of chemistry chapter 8 Chemical Industry class 10 are published at this page page. Below are the 10th Chemistry Notes Chapter 8 Chemical Industry pdf download ebook online.

Q.7 Why anode is eaten up in electro-refining process?
 Ans. Because on passing the electric current through the Copper sulphate solution, anode (Impure copper) dissolves to provide Cu ions to the solution, these Cu ions are discharged by gaining of electrons from the cathode thereby copper atoms deposit on the cathode.
 making it thick block of pure copper metal. The impurities like gold and silver settle down as anode mud
 Q.8 What do you mean by anode mud?
 Ans. During the electro refining process of copper which carried out in an electrolytic tank.
 The impurities like gold and silver settle down as anode mud
Q.9 Why only NaHCOa precipitates when CO2 is passed through the ammonical brine?
 Ans. When CO, is passed through the ammoniacal brine, a mixture of HCL and NaHCO3, is obtained. The temperature of the mixture is lowered to 15°C and precipitates of NaHCO3 are formed. Because NaHCO is insoluble in NH Cl at low temperature
Q.10 Which raw materials are required for the formation of sodium carbonate?
 Ans. The raw materials needed for the formation of sodium carbonates are Sodium chloride (NaCl) or brine
 Lime stone (CaCO3)
 Ammonia gas (ity)
Q.12 Give the advantages of Solvay's process.
 Ans. i. It is a cheap process as raw materials are available at very low prices ii. Carbondioxide and ammonia are recovered and reused.
 iii. Process is pollution free, because the only waste is calcium chloride solution.
 iv. Sodium carbonate of very high purity is obtained.
 v. Consumption of fuel is very less since no solution is to be evaporated.
Q.14 How many stages are involved in the formation of urea?
 Ans. There are three stages are involved in the formation of urea.
 i. Reaction of ammonia and carbondioxide.
 Urea formation
 i Granulation of urea.
 FSC Entry Test No..
 Q.15 What role is played by pine oil in the froth flotation process?
 Ans. Pine oil is played an important role in froth flotation process because Pine oil coated particles being lighter come to the surface in the form of froth that can be skimmed casily
 Q.16 Name the various metallurgical operation.
 Ans. The process involved in metallurgy for extraction of a metal in the pure state from its ore are.
 i. Concentration of the ores
 ii. Extraction the metal
 Refining of metal
 Q.17 How roasting is carried out?
 Ans. Roasting process is carried out in a special furnace which is called Reverberatory furnace.
Q.22 Describe the formation of petroleum?
 Ans. Petroleum was formed by the decomposition of dead plants and animal buried under earth's crust millions of years ago.
 Q.23 What is refining of petroleum and how it is carried out?
 Ans. Refining process is the separation of crude oil mixture into various useful products (fractions). It is carried out by a process called fractional distillation.
 Q.24 Give uses of kerosene oil.
 Ans: It is used as domestic fuel, a special grade of it is used as jet fuel.
Q.28 Which petroleum fraction is used in dry cleaning?
 Ans: Gasoline or petrol is used in dry cleaning
 Q.29 Define Metallurgy.
 Ans. Metallurgy is the science of extracting metals from ores.
 Q.30 Define Minerals.
 Ans. The solid natural materials found beneath the earth surface, which contains compound of metals in the combined state along with earthly impurities are called minerals.
Q.31 Define ores.
 Ans. The minerals from which the metals are extracted commercially at a comparatively low cost with minimum effort are called ores of the metals. For example ores of copper are copper glance (Cu S) and chalcopyrite (CaFeS:)
 Q.32 Why the colour of hairs different from different people?
 Ans. The colour of hairs caused by the presence of transition metal compound in the hair.
 Brown hair contains iron or copper compounds blonde hair contains compounds of titanium and redhead hair is because of the presence of molybdenum compounds
Q.33 Define Gangue.
 Ans. Impurities associated with the ore known as gangue.
 Q.34 Write down the names of steps used in metallurgy.
 Ans. The process involved in metallurgy for extraction of a metal in the pure state from its ore are
 (i) Concentration of the ore
 (ii) Extraction of the metals
 (iii) Refining of the metal
 Q.35 What is concentration of the ore?
 Ans. The process of removed of gangue from the ore is technically known as concentration and the purified ore is called concentrate
Q.36 What is gravity separation?
 Ans. Gravity separation is based on the difference in densities of the metallic ore and gangue particles
 Q.37 Define Froth flotation process.
 Ans. Froth flotation process is based on the welting characteristics of the ore and the gangue particles with oil and water respectively.
 Q.38 Define electromagnetic separation.
 Ans. Electromagnetic separation is base on the separation of magnetic ores from the non magnetic impurities by means of electromagnetic or magnetic separators.
 Q.39 Define Roasting.
 Ans. It is the process of heating the concentrated ore to a high temperature in excess of air Q.40 What is blister copper?
 Ans. The dissolved gases escape out forming blisters on the surface of the solid copper.
 Therefore of the solid copper it is called blister copper. It is about 98% pure copper
Q.42 Write down advantages of Solvay's process.
 Ans. It is a cheap process as raw materials are available at very low prices (ii) Carbondioxide and ammonia are recovered and reused (i) Process is pollution free because the only waste is calcium chloride solution (iv) Consumption of fuel is very less since no solution is to be evaporated
Q.43 What do you know about Urea?
 Ans. Urea is nitrogenous fertilizers. It consists of 46.6% nitrogen. It is white crystalline compound, highly soluble in water. It is used for the manufacturing of important chemical, but its major (about 90%) use is as a fertilizer.
 Q.44 Define petroleum.
 Ans. Petroleum means rock oil. It is a complex mixture of several gaseous, liquid and solid hydrocarbons having water, salts and earth particles with it. It is lighter than water and is insoluble in it

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