Wednesday 1 February 2017

A Visit To The Zoo English Essay for 5th and 8th Class

A Visit To The Zoo English Essay for 5th and 8th Class
Looking for English essays for 5th class students and 8th Class Students in Easy Wording? Here is the A Visit To The Zoo English Essay for 5th and 8th Class.

A VISIT TO ZOO English Essay:

Last Saturday, we had a holiday and we decided to pay a visit to the Lahore zoo. So, I visited the zoo with my parents. We packed our necessary equipment and left for zoo at 1:30p.m. The weather was very fine and pleasant. A cool breeze was on the move. We reached there at 2:00p.m. My elder brother bought the entry tickets and we entered the zoo. Many visitors had come there to enjoy the weather. First of all, we went to the cages of monkeys and baboons. We threw some grains to them. Then we went to see the birds. There, we saw the enclosures of the pigeons, parrots, sparrows, owls,
sparrows, kingfishers, swans, cranes, ducks, pelicans and many other birds and amused to see their
colours and play. We also saw deer, stags, rabbits, ibexes, two-humped camels, kangaroos,
bears,giraffe and many other animals. We enjoyed their movements. Then we went to the cages of
lions, tigers, wild cats, leopards, ocelots, lynxes and panthers. They were roaring and enjoying their
meals. We also beheld snakes, peacocks, zebras,ostriches, crocodiles and alligators.

Lastly, we saw the elephant. We had a ride on the elephant. We enjoyed the ride very much. Then, we
had cold drinks at the cafeteria of the zoo. After this, we left the zoo and reached home at 6:00p.m. It
was really a pleasant experience for me.

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