Tuesday 31 January 2017

A Visit to Historical Place English Essay for 5th and 8th Class

A Visit to Historical Place English Essay for 5th and 8th Class
Looking for English essays for 5th class students and 8th Class Students in Easy Wording? Here is the A Visit to Historical Place English Essay for 5th and 8th Class.

A Visit to Historical Place English Essay


A Visit to Museum English Essay

Last Sunday, I visited the historical museum of Lahore with my school teachers. The Lahore museum is a significant place where work of art and other objects of historical value are preserved in a proper
way and displayed in a grand style. It is an old imposing building with a high ceiling.
The incharge of the museum is called the curator. Our knowledgeable teacher took us round different
sections of that spectacular museum. There were smartly kept glass cases in which ancient
swords, daggers, garments of the ancient Kings, ornaments, coins, bows and arrows, clay pots and metal pots were displayed.

A brief description of each article was given below on a small carved sheet of steel. There was also a clay model of Queen Victoria, which lay in a room. There was also an old priceless manuscript of the Holy Quran in one room. There were old picture frames in another room. The Lahore museum gave us a wealth of information and insight about our glorious past. It was a worthwhile visit without a doubt.

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