The candidates will be tested and interviewed for four days, following the day of your arrival. The candidates will be free to go home in the afternoon of the fourth day. The candidates who passed the test and medical will go to the Pakistan Military Academy Kakul or Pakistan Naval Academy Manora or Pakistan Air Force Academy Risalpur for officers training. Now we shall discuss day by day activities or format of ISSB test.
Arrival Day
- Reception
- Checking of Documents
- Allotments of ID / Chest numbers
- Administration Staff 's address
- Completion of Board Questionnaires
1st Day
- Opening Address by a Deputy president
- Intelligence Tests
- Announcement of Screening out result
- Remaining Physiological Tests
2nd Day
- Briefing
- Indoor Tasks
- Group Discussion
- Group Tasks
- Outdoor Tasks
- Progressive Group Tasks (PGT)
- Half Group Tasks
- Interviews
3rd Day
- Individual Obstacles
- Command Tasks
- Final Group Tasks (FGT)
- Interviews (for leftover candidates)
4th Day
- Conferences
- Preparation of all the results
- Dispersion of candidates
We shall discuss the Psychological and Outdoor tasks in upcoming posts.
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