CHEMISTRY (Questions 1-30)
Each question has four possible answers.
- The large molecules which are formed by the monomers are called as:
a ) Micro molecules b ) macro-molecules c ) both a & b d)none
- Macro molecules are classified into:
a ) organic b ) inorganic c)both a&b d)None
- Organic macro molecules are classified into:
a ) bio polymers b ) synthetic polymers c ) both a & b d ) None
- Which is not a bio polymer is:
a ) Lipids b ) Proteins c ) carbohydrates d ) None of these
- The other name for cross linked polymersis:
a ) Linear polymer b ) Branched polymer c ) inter connected polymers d ) None of these
- A polymer may be:
a ) Linear b ) branched c ) cross linked d ) All of these
- In macro molecules DP stands for:
a ) Dissociation parameter b ) Dissociation polymer c ) Degree of polymerization d ) None of these
- Molecular-mass of polymer = Md. Mass of monomwer X and Y the Y is
a ) 1000 b ) 1 c)D.P d ) All of these
- A polymer may be:
a ) Homopolymer b ) Co-polymer c ) Teropolymer d ) All of these
- The polymers wh ich can be re so It en again & again are called resoffen:
a )Thermoplastic b ) Thermostating c)both a&b d ) none
- The polymers which ca n not be resoffen again & again are called:
a )Thermoplastic Thermosetting b ) Thermosetting c) CH d ) none of these
- (CH'2'0)n is general formula for:
a ) monosaccharides b ) Oligosaccharides c ) Polysaccharides d ) None of these
- Monosaccharides are:
a ) Aldoses b)ketoses c)both a&b d ) none
- Which polymerization is free radical mechanism biased
a ) Addition b ) Condensation c)both a&b d ) None
- The temp & pressure use for PVC polymerization is:
a ) 10 °C & 1 0 atm b)20°C&20atm c)52°C&9atm d)lOO°C&lOatm
- The general formula for carbohydrate is:
c)Either a&b d ) None of these
- Monosaccharides and oligosaccharides are generally called as:
a ) Crystals b ) Sugars c ) Liquids d ) Non-Sugars
- Polysaccharid es are also called
a ) Crystals b ) Sugars c ) Liquids d ) Non-Sugars
- Glycogen is stored in:
c ) Soil . d ) None of these .
- C-D-glucose is a monomer for .
a ) Starch . b ) Cellulose . c ) Glycogen . d ) Proteins .
- ,B D-glucose is a monomer for .
a ) starch . b ) Cellulose . ~ c ) Glycogen . d ) Protein
- A high molecular weight organic materials, which upon hydrolysis give amino acid is called: .
a)Fats . b ) Proteins . c ) carbohydrates . d ) None of these .
- Proteins are classified into:
a ) Simple protein b ) Complex proteins . c ) Derived proteins . d ) All of these .
- The protein which only yield amino acids and their derivatives:
| b ) Complex proteins c ) Derived proteins I d ) All of these
- When a protein is attached with a non-proteins I group that non-proteinic group is called:
a ) activator | b ) Macro proteins | c ) Prosthetic | d ) None
- The protein which is derived by conjugate proteins I are called as:
a ) Simple proteins | b ) Complex proteins | c ) derived proteins | d ) None
- Proteins may have:
| a ) Primary structure | b ) Secondary structure | c ) Tertiary structure d ) All of these
- The three dimensional folding and twisting of a pole I peptide chain give rise to:
a ) Primary structure b ) Secondary structure c ) Tertiary structure d ) All of these
- Ester of fatty acids with glycerol are:
a ) Simple lipids b ) Complex lipids c ) derived lipids d ) None
- Sterols, vitamin D and terpenes belong to
a ) Simple lipids b ) Complex lipids c ) derived lipids d)None
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