Monday 11 January 2016

Practical examination of Matric and Intermediate classes News



 In continuation to this office Notification Nos. 79/14 dated
15-12-2014 and 02/15 dated 05-01-2015 it is hereby re-notified / clarified
for information of teachers, students and all the concerned that the Secretary
Higher Education Department / Controlling Authority of all BI&SEs in
Punjab vide its letter No.So(Boards)12-3/2014, dated 18th of September,
2015 has been pleased to approve the following decision / recommendations
of the Punjab Boards Committee of Chairmen regarding revival of previous
practice of awarding of marks in Practical Examination at SSC and HSSC
levels w.e.f. 2015-2017 session.
The practical in each subject will be conducted separately after completion of
class 10th & 12th Examinations. The marks of practical would be counted with
theory marks obtained by the candidates.
The practical labs would be constituted by the Board either in the Government or
private institutions affiliated with the Board.
The practical in each subject will be conducted in other institutions where the
availability is possible.
The Board will issue computerized practical schedule of the relevant practical’s
i.e. date, time and lab on the roll number slips of the candidate.
The Board will provide practical cut list of the candidates’ batch wise / subject
wise according to practical centre / labs.
The Board will provide the question papers and answer books according to the
total number of candidates to the centres / labs before the commencement of
examination through banks.
The Board will appoint the well reputed and honest practical examiners for the
conduct of practical examination.
The Practical Examiner will deposit Answer Scripts within 24 hours in relevant
The practical paper may be evaluated by the Sub Examiner / Head Examiners
according to given Criteria / Marking Scheme after the termination of practical
examination in all subjects.
The candidate who fails either in theory or practical paper or in both, he/she will
be declared as fail and will reappear in theory paper and practical in next available
chances, if eligible.
If a candidate passes in theory paper but fails in practical in any subject then
he/she will be declared fail in the same subject of Part-II and will reappear in
theory Part-II and practical in next available chances if eligible.
The Examiners appointed by the Board would be bound to perform the practical
duty because examination duty has been declared mandatory by the Government
of the Punjab.
The Scheme of studies will be implemented w.e.f. the session 2015-2017 and
The portion of practical question from subjective paper will be eliminated.
The division of marks in each subject in SSC/HSSC in theory objective /
subjective portion and as well as the practical will be as per Annual Examination,
While the Question Paper of Practical portion will be set separately according to
the norms given below:

10% Copy (Practical Note Book)
10% Viva voce (Conducted by Practical Examiner)
30% Performance evaluated by Practical Examiner
50% Set procedural description related to the Practical Examination  evaluated in centralized marking centers of concerned BI&SE.

 For example if total numbers are 30, the weightage of marks of copy and viva
voce, Performance and procedural description related to the Practical
Examination are 3, 3, 9 & 15 respectively.
All other subjects having different total marks in practical paper will be
prepared according to the above said percentage practical.
 (Dr. Muhammad Jawwad Haider Shirazi)
C.C. To:-
1. The Secretary Higher Education / Secretary Schools Govt. of the Punjab,
2. The executive District Officers (Education), Gujranwala, Sialkot, Gujrat,
Narowal, M.B.Din & Hafizabad.
3. The Secretary Inter Boards Committee of Chairmen, Islamabad.
4. The Secretaries, All BISEs in Punjab
5. The Section Officer (Boards) Higher Education Department, Govt. of the
Punjab, Civil Secretariat, Lahore.
6. The Director of Education (Colleges), Gujranwala Division, Gujranwala
7. All Secondary / Higher Secondary Schools / Colleges affiliated with this
8. System analyst for website
9. PRO of the Board
10. Internal Distribution

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