Tuesday 21 April 2020

1st year Chemistry Chapter 8 Short Questions Notes

1st year Chemistry Chapter 8 Short Questions Notes
Looking for the 11th class Chemistry Chapter 8 Chemical Equilibrium notes? Here we have shared the 1st year Chemistry Chapter 8 Short Questions Notes.

01. Differentiate between Reversible reaction and Irreversible reactions.

Reversible Reaction
i. The reaction in which products formed are
reconverted into reactants is known as
a reversible reaction.
ii. These reactions proceed in both directions.
iii. Equilibrium is associated with such reactions.

Irreversible Reaction
i. The reaction in which products formed aren’t
reconverted into reactants are known as
an irreversible reaction.
ii. These reactions proceed in one direction.
iii. Equilibrium isn’t associated with such

02. Differentiate between Acidic Buffer and Basic Buffer.

Acidic Buffer
i. They have pH less seven.
ii. They consist of the weak acid and its salt with a
strong base.
iii. Example:
Basic Buffer
i. They have pH higher than 7.
ii. They consist of weak base and its salt with a
strong acid.
iii. Example: NH4OH + NH4Cl

03. Reversible reactions attain the position of equilibrium which is dynamic in nature and not static. Explain.
 In a reversible reaction when a rate of forwarding reaction becomes equal to the rate of backward reaction then, equilibrium is established. At this equilibrium reactants and products are still converting into each other. So, it is a dynamic equilibrium.

 04. Why the reaction rate slows down when a reversible reaction approaches equilibrium?
 The rate of a reaction is directly proportional to the concentration of reactants. When reversible reaction approaches equilibrium the concentration of the reactants decreases. Hence the rate of reaction slows down.

 05. At what stage the graph between concentration and time become parallel?
 In reversible reactions at the start, the forward reaction is greater than the backward reaction. At equilibrium both rates becomes equal. So, the graph becomes parallel when equilibrium is established.
 06. Before the curve becomes parallel, the steepness of the curves falls. Give reason.
 Initially, the decrease in concentration is rapid but with the passage of time it slows down. Due to this, the steepness of the curves falls before equilibrium established.

07. The change of volume disturbs the equilibrium of position for some of the gaseous phase reactions but does not the equilibrium constant. Explain.
 The reaction in which a mole of reactants and products are not equal is disturbed by the change in volume. The ratio of the forward rate constant and reverse rate constant Kc remains unchanged.

 08. The change of temperature disturbs both the equilibrium position and equilibrium constant of the reaction. Explain.
 Both exothermic and endothermic rates of reaction change with the change of temperature, so equilibrium position changes. Due to the change in the rate of reaction rate constants, Kf and Kr also change. So the ratio of these constants Kc also changes.

 09. The solubility of glucose in water is increased by increasing the temperature. Explain.
 When temperature increases the kinetic energy of the solvent and solute molecules also increases. The solubility of glucose in water is an endothermic process and it moves forward by increasing temperature.

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