Sunday 20 May 2018

1st Year Physics Important Short Questions All Chapters - 11th class

1st Year Physics Important Short Questions All Chapters - 11th class
Here we have published the 1st Year Physics Important Short Questions All Chapters - 11th class. These Questions have been provided by Naveed Shah from Professors Academy of Sciences.

Chapter No.1
Define radian and steradian?
2) Differentiate between random and systematic error?
3) Find the dimension of ŋ used in equation F= 6πŋrv.?
4) Write down the dimension of Pressure and density?
5) Find out the dimension and unit of G used in equation F=G m_(1m_2 )/r^2
6) Show that E=mc2 dimensionally correct?
7) The period of simple pendulum is measured by stop watch .what type of errors are possible in the time period?
8) Why do we find it useful to have two units for the amount of the substance kilogram and mole?
9) Give draws backs to use the period of simple pendulum as time standard?
10) How many meters is a light year?
11) How many second in a year and how many years in nano second?
#Chapter No. 2
1) Two vectors have unequal magnitude can their sum be equal to zero?
2) Can a vector have component greater than vector magnitude?
3) Can a body rotate about its center of gravity under the action of its weight?
4) If one of the rectangular components of the vector is not zero, can its magnitude by zero, explain?
5) Name Three condition which makes →┬A X →┬A =0?
6) Can you add zero to null vector?
7) If →┬A +→┬B =→┬0what can you say about its components? 8) Define position vector and Unit vector?
Chapter No.3
1) Show that the rate of change of momentum is equal to force?
2) Derive expression for the range of projectile?
3) Can the velocity of an object reverse the direction when acceleration is constant? If so give an example?
4) An object is thrown vertically upward .Discuss the sign of acceleration due to gravity, relative to velocity, while the object is in air?
5) Explain the circumstance when A) a and v are parallel B) v is zero but a is not zero?
6) Differentiate between elastic and inelastic collision?
Chapter No.4
1) Calculate work done in kilo joule in lifting a mass of 10kg through a vertical height of 10m? 2) When rocket reenter the atmosphere, its nose cone become very hot? Why 3) A girl drop a cup from a certain height which breaks in to pieces. What energy changes are involved? 4) A boy use catapult to throw stone which accidently smashes a green hose window .What energy changes are involved? 5) Show that 1kWh = 3.6 x106J.
Chapter No.5
1) what is centripetal force give its significance?
2) Define moment of inertia give its significance?
3) Why does diver change his body position before diving in the pool?
4) Differentiate between Tangential and angular velocity?
5) Describe what should be the minimum velocity for a satellite to orbit close to the earth around it? 6) When Mud flies off the tyre of moving bicycle, in what direction does it fly. Explain?
Chapter N0.6
1) Define Viscosity?
2) Why fog droplets appear to be suspended in air?
3) Differentiate between Streamline and turbulent flow?
4) A person is standing near a fast moving trains is there any danger the he will fall toward it?
5) Explain the working of carburetor?
6) How swing is produced in a fast moving cricket ball?
Chapter no 7
1) Write down the characteristics of S.H.M?
2) Can we realize an ideal Simple Pendulum?
3) What happens to the period of a simple pendulum if its length is doubled? And if it’s mass doubled?
4) What is meant by Phase Angle?
5) Describe some common Phenomena in which resonance plays an important role?
6) Does frequency depends up on amplitude for harmonic oscillator?
chapter no 8
1) Explain why sound travels faster in warm air than in cold air?
2) Explain term node antinode, crest, Trough?
3) How are beats are useful in tuning musical instruments?
4) As result of distant explosion an observer senses a ground tremor and then heat the explosions. Explain the time difference?
5) What is the effect of variation of density on the speed of sound in a gas?
6) What are common features in longitudinal and transverse wave?
7) Why does sound travel faster in solid as compared to gasses?
Chapter no 9
1) Under what conditions two sources of light behave as coherent?
2) Can visible light produce Interference fringes? Explain?
3) An oil film spread over a wet footpath shows colours. Explain How does it happen?
4) How would distinguish between Un-polarized and plane polarized light?
5) Why Sun glasses are better than ordinary sun glasses?
Chapter NO 11
1) Does entropy of a system increase or decrease due to friction explain?
2) why the average velocity of the molecule in a gas zero but average of square of velocity is not?
3) Is It possible to convert internal energy into mechanical energy? Explain with example?
4) State 1st law of thermodynamic? How it is applicable to human body?
5) Write four postulate of kinetic theory of gases?
6) A thermo flask containing milk as a system is shaken rapidly. Does the temperature of
milk rise?
7) Can mechanical energy be converted completely in to heat energy? If so give example? 8) Prove that CP-CV=R

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