Sunday 18 March 2018

Difference Between Gender Studies and Women Studies



Gender study is an inter- disciplinary field that concentrates on the
new scholarships in men’s and women’s studies. it addresses the struggle for
gender equality In politics, education, the family, the labour force, in literature,
and the media are key topics; and in many course this Involves cross-cultural
studies of gender relations.


Women studies is an offshoot of second wave feminism (The term
second-wave feminism refers mostly to the radical feminism of the women’s
liberation movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s). Women is studies
addresses not only the need for a fuller understanding of women in society but
also for new criteria and methods of assessing the status of women.
The Gender studies are the new subject to academics across the
world because the world and elements of the culture tend to achieve the
realistic approach towards the exploration of its in society. The basic motive
behind the exploration of iii is to confront the challenges of human life. The
subject is not ancient one and oppositely it is new to the society. The society
that is showing some endorsements towards the reality approach so that
gender differentiation can come forward as truth. (Cotterlil, 1992)
Gender studies are the paradigm shift in academics and this shift is
being obtained through the consistent behaviour of women in women struggle
against freedom. Realistically speaking, the subject matter of debate does not
end till date because of different viewpoints of the society about the gender
studies at the same platform. It Is known fact that the women studies are
always considered the major elements related to the women only.

Those elements that are highly considerable in the way and should be done
with the Immediate Improvement in the timeil ne at women's perspective. The
women issue is the one of the main elements among those that considered the
women at first place In society and should be molded in the sense that may
endorse the way of society towards the women.

The women issues may be same as the society said and may be highly
integrated as the Hillary Clinton thinks. The women issues may be same as the
urban women said during her daily life and may be same as the women issues
buzzed up by the rural living life. The main element In which the women can
think, ponder and Initiates the discourse analysis is being understandable and
discussed In the women studies in this society. (Cotterill, 1992) The women
issues are not a static form In which the women can thinks and responds in the
static form, it Is the flexible paradigm that shows that how the women
confronts the challenges in her life. The challenges that issues of friendship, he
challenges of vulnerability in the society and the challenges that are confronted
by the women against the power distribution in the same society.

The challenges are Itself creating various issues in the women life
and women can think that people of society are still unaware the methods that
show that how these issues can be resolved. The women researchers and the
women responded are the two ways to think about the issues of the same
community in which the both exist with almost the same mindset but in a
different way. ironically, the women study endorsed the same mindset at
different levels so that the community show some Integration at large scale.
(Cotterill, 1992) The women researchers are doing well under the way that is
highly considerable but constitutes less power than the women responded in
an Introspective way. The community sets a mindset that the women Issues are
the core purpose of both platforms so that the issues could meet the pragmatic
strategies at the vast range. The power is unequally divided between the power
responded and power researchers in the manner that Is very useful in the

The women issues canit meet the solutions in any case because
the society acts differently. The Gender studies is entirely a different concept
and the conceptual framework of gender needs the ways In which the
respondent behaves with the researchers but In both men and women
perspective. (Cotterill, 1992) The gender studies are always considered the
issues at the front desk in which the both male and female are considerable for
the discourse analysis. The women studies considered the women history and
Gender studies considered the main role in the women history. The women
studies initiate the analysis at women literature and gender studies draw
attention towards the role of men in articulation and even creating It.
In the end, one can say that the women studies pondered upon the
women studies, history of women at this universe and women struggle for
freedom so that the issues could meet the debate desk as soon as possible.
The gender studies are the paradigm shift that shows that how the studies of
men and women or interrelated activities during discourse analysis.

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