Sunday 2 April 2017

B.Com Pakistan Studies Important Questions Notes

B.Com Pakistan Studies Important Questions Notes
Here are the B.Com Pakistan Studies Important Questions Notes.
1 . Discuss the services of Shah Vali Ullah for the revival of Islam in India.
2. Describe the various problems faced by the new born state of Pakistan.
3. Write the important political and historical events from I 906 to I 930 of Pakistan history.
4. Write the basic principles of Pakistan Foreign Policy
5. What were the causes of war of independence I 857? Describe the effects of this war on the Muslims of South Asia.
6. Describe the role of Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi as Pioneer of Islamic Renaissance in South Asia.
7. Being dependent on the western world for defence and economy can Pakistan adopt an “Independent” Foreign policy? Discuss.
8. Write notes on the following:
(a) Role of Pakistan in O.I.C
(c) The role of I.M.F and World Bank in the Pakistan Economy
(d) Relation of Pakistan with India in the light of Kashmir
(e) Urdu as National Language
(f) Islamic ideological Council
(g) Culture heritage of Pakistan
(h) Ideology of Pakistan
(i) Due to current Earthquakes, Pakistan is facing is facing the situation of war. Elucidate.
U) U.N.O
(k) Describe the differences between Rural and Urban societies in Pakistan
(I) The Middle East Crises
10. Explain the ideology of Pakistan in the light of Quaid-e-Azam statements.
11 . Why did the Muslims of the Indo-Pak Subcontinent demand a separate Home Land for themselves?
12. Explain the role of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Au Jinnah as an Ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity.
13. Explain Pakistan’s relations with the Muslims World keeping in view the objectives of its foreign policy.

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