Sunday 21 August 2016

A Good/Responsible Citizen - English Essay

A Responsible Citizen - English Essay for Pakistani Classes such as Matric, Inter, FSc, B.A etc.
The word “education” means knowledge, training, ability or instructions. Educating is
the imparting and acquiring of knowledge, especially at a school or a similar
After all, what is education, but a process by which a person begins to learn how to
It gives us knowledge which is shown in
abilities gained through
education. It gives
us training and instructions in a particular subject, for example, health etc. One who
gives education is called an education or instructor.
It is a very vast topic: “can education help becoming a responsible citizen?” Until and
unless a person gains knowledge about the surroundings, he can not be defined as
good or bad. Education plays an important role for becoming a responsible citizen.
Quaid-e-Azam said: “Education is a matter of life and death for Pakistan. The world
is progressing so rapidly not only shall we be left behind others but many will be
wiped out altogether.” (Sep.26, 1947, Karachi)
Quaid-e-Azam’s quote tells us about the importance of education for a Pakistani.
Education is the wealth of a nation, needed to become successful.
“God gives dignity and makes high in rank those of you who believe, and those
who’re given knowledge.”
Man is the central figure of the universe. When he is equipped with knowledge, he
proves to be a wonder. Knowledge strengthens our beliefs. Knowledge of all kinds
that is beneficial to humanity should be acquired with zeal. It has been beautifully
summed up in the Holy Quran:
“In the creation of heaven and the earth, in the alternations of day and night, in the
ships that sail and benefit the men, in the clouds, in the rain ---- there are signs for
those who think, understand and believe.”
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) laid great stress on seeking knowledge. He raised the
degree of learning seventy times higher than prayers. He declared that the faith of a
person who pays respect to another for his wealth and not for education as wrong.
Wealth has to be protected whereas education protects man. There is no end to the
supply of knowledge that can be stored in a mind.
God created the universe to serve as a manifestation of His light. He brought into
existence man and gave him the will to choose between good and evil.
Allah has given man the freedom to choose the path he desires. He has put forth
before man, options of good and evil. It is for man to choose the right path. The path
of those on whom Allah has showered his blessings and not for those who go around
His wrath.
Nothing in this universe has been created without any purpose. Everything has a
purpose and meaning in it for man to understand and admire Allah.

For a thousand years, the Muslims were the torch bearers of education. This was a
glorious  achievement.  The  Muslims  preserved  the  entire  ancient  heritage  and  then 
passed  it  on  to  modern  European  with  their  own  great  contributions.  Islam  was  a 
dominant  force  in  Spain  for  about  eight  hundred  years.  The  modern  European 
civilization  which  dominates  the  world  today  owes  a  great  deal  to  Islam.  Great 
universities were developed in the Muslim world particularly in Iraq, Syria, Egypt and
Spain.  The  light  of  these  universities  shone  beyond  the  Muslim  world.  It  drew 
students and scholars of all religions from east and west that came to learn the great
disciplines taught in these universities.
There  are  many  shining  personalities,  for  example  Quaid-e-Azam,  Allama  Iqbal, 
Fatima Jinnah, Sir Sayyed Ahmad Khan etc. who became what they had aspired for
by education that was not only gained from school, but from staying home too.
With  access  to  curriculums  via  internet 
and  with  the  proliferation  of  curriculum 
through  commercially  produced  books,  auto-tapes,  Cds,  and  web  sites,  home 
schooling  has  become  a  realistic  option  for  many  parents  who  are  willing  to  invest 
their own time educating their child. It is a movement that yet has not peaked.
“Education has for its object the formation of character.”
                                                                  British           Philosopher           (1820-1903)          
An educated person must obey the following things to become a
responsible person:
An educated person should not only be kind with human beings but with animals too.
Kindness  benefits  both  the  giver  and  the  taker.  Kind  words  and  kind  deeds  are  a 
sure  way  of  winning  Lord’s  grace.  The  best  and  easiest  way  of  pleasing  God  is  to 
serve  mankind  by  wiping  the  tears  of  others  who  are  in  grief  and  sorrow.  We  can 
serve humanity through kind words of comfort, by  cheering the depressed. 
The “WWF” is a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals. A universal law
prevents killing and prevents animals from being hunted for personal use. This
shows the concern of society for protecting animals from the cruelty of man.
Little deeds of kindness,
Little words of love,
Make this earth an Eden,
Like the heaven above.
An educated person should tell others when they are wrong. He should forbid others
when he sees them doing wrong deeds. For example, he can use his knowledge to
give good suggestions to any person, when he is in great difficulty because a “friend
in need is a friend indeed”.
Education gives us the great benefit of knowing the teachings of the Holy Quran. If
we know how to read we can know the meanings of the Holy Quran and  what Allah
has  said.  We  know  that  in  the  Holy  Quran,  Allah  has  repeatedly  directed  and 
encouraged people to ponder on and investigate thoughtfully the happenings in this
universe.   He   has   also   emphasized   to   pay   attention   to   the   study   of   natural  
phenomena,  the  physical  and  biological  principles  and  interpret  them  as  Allah’s 
manifestation. When we read about  Islam, we know many things, which are good for
our present life and the life after death. But we can be successful only when we take these  preaching  practically:  the  five  pillars 
of  Islam  are  testimony,  prayers,  fasting, 
giving  alms,  pilgrimage.  In  Islam  we  know  about  the  life  of  greatest  reformer  and 
preacher of Islam, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who spread the knowledge of love,
peace  and  forgiveness  for  every  one.  After  getting  this  precious  knowledge  we  can 
spread it to others and play a very important role as a good citizen.
It  is  a  sad  fact  of  modern  life  that  in  big  cities,  thousands  of  men,  women  and 
children die every year in road accidents and a number of those who are injured, are
crippled  for  life.  It  is  really  very  tragic.  The  traffic  accidents  are  the  fault*  of  those 
people who do not notice what is going on around them and who do not care for their
fellow  human  beings.  Some  one  may  walk  on  the  road  without  looking  around  and 
be hit by a motor cycle. A cyclist may try a
nd turn right from the left traffic lane and
be knocked over by a minibus. Children may be playing in a busy street and not be
aware of a fast approaching car. As soon as the person leaves his home he is at a
risk. To avoid such incidents, a responsible citizen is careful about what is going on
around  him  and  obeys  traffic  rules  and  regulations  and  does  not  drive  at  great 
An  educated  person  is  never  dependent  on  others.  His  knowledge  can  never  be 
snatched  nor  be  lost  or  stolen  by  any  thief.  He  can  get  better  employment 
opportunities, thus he will get more inco
me and expenses will be managed properly.
A  tremendous  increase  in  pollution  can  be  seen  in  today’s  environment.  Shopping 
bags  are  flying  here  and  there  on  the  streets,  piles  of  garbage  can  be  seen  on  the 
road  side  and  many  uneducated  people  throw  waste  materials  on  the  streets. 
Uncivilized children do not keep their environment clean.
Only an educated person has an eye on these issues and plays a key role in fighting
with this monster of pollution. He tries his best to control the flood of pollution which
has  not  only  captured  our  streets,  colonies  or  schools  but  the  entire  country.  Our 
Prophet Muhammad Said:
“Cleanness is half of faith”
An educated person by nature is an admirer of truth and reality and has the ability to
fight against people such as leaders of a nation. It is said:
“The  demise  of  states  comes  when  leaders  only  use  superficial  words  and  do  not 
penetrate or go deeply into the souls of the people.”
This means that the leaders of a state like to hear people praise them. They love to
hear  good  things  said  about  them.  People  use  superficial  words  to  praise  them.  As 
years pass by, leaders become used to this kind of attitude. They do not look deep
into the souls of others and cannot understand their feelings. They do not like to hear
anything  said  against  them  even  if  it  is  true.  States  ruled  by  such  people  do  not 
flourish  well.  They  do  not  progress  and  come  to  a  downfall.  An  educated  person 
always speaks the truth about others when they are wrong, so that they may correct
them selves. In this manner, an educated person plays his role for the flourishing of
the state.
These  were  the  characteristics  of  an  educated  human  being.  If  we  also  want  to 
become responsible citizens, then we have to adopt these  good qualities. It is one
way to win God’s grace.
Microsoft Encarta (Reference library Premium) 2005
ENGLISH  9,  Punjab  Textbook  Board,  Lhr.  By  Mrs.  Shahida  Rasul  and  Mrs.  Sabiha 
Dictionaries Used:
KITABISTAN’S  20th  CENTURY,  PRACTICAL  DICTONARY  (English  to  English  and 
Urdu), by Prof. Bashir Ahmad Qureshi and Prof. Stanley E. Brush.
Microsoft Encarta Dictionary 2005.
Holy Quran

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